Social Media and Relationships Daniel Dashnaw Social Media and Relationships Daniel Dashnaw

Couples Therapy and the Conflicts Seen on r/relationship_advice

In Reddit’s r/relationship_advice, thousands of people post daily about their relationship challenges. These stories range from small disagreements to major conflicts that leave people questioning the future of their partnerships.

While the community is quick to offer support and advice, sometimes even the best Reddit suggestions fall short of offering a solution tailored to the unique emotional dynamics of a couple. This is where couples therapy comes in.

Therapy offers a personalized, evidence-based approach to addressing conflict, helping couples understand the root causes of their problems and work toward lasting solutions.

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Social Media and Relationships Daniel Dashnaw Social Media and Relationships Daniel Dashnaw

Red Flags and What to Do About Them: What r/relationship_advice Tells Us About Unhealthy Patterns

In the ever-popular r/relationship_advice subreddit, users from all walks of life post about their relationship challenges, hoping for validation or guidance.

Many times, these posts highlight what we, as therapists, often refer to as "red flags"—warning signs that something isn’t quite right.

Yet, for the people living through these experiences, these red flags are often missed or downplayed.

In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most common red flags seen on r/relationship_advice, discuss what they reveal about unhealthy relationship dynamics, and, most importantly, explain how therapy can intervene before it’s too late.

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Social Media and Relationships Daniel Dashnaw Social Media and Relationships Daniel Dashnaw

Jouissance and Trump Rallies: What Happens When the Highs of Rebellion Meet the Reality of Defeat?

There’s something fascinating about the way emotions typically run high at an iconic Trump rally. It’s not just about politics—it’s about collective energy, belonging, and the thrill of rebellion.

In the world of psychoanalysis, there's a term for this kind of deep, almost excessive enjoyment: jouissance.

French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan used the word to describe the type of pleasure that’s both thrilling and a little bit uncomfortable, where you push boundaries and break norms.

For Trump supporters, the rallies were more than just political events—they were an emotional experience that tapped into this jouissance by creating a space to defy the status quo, cheer, chant, and push back against what they saw as the "establishment."

But what happens when that pleasure gets disrupted?

Imagine this: Trump loses another election, and just before Thanksgiving, he’s sentenced to 5 years in prison. How does the energy that has fueled his rallies translate into such a sudden, shocking defeat? And most importantly, how will Trump’s most loyal supporters—the so-called "Trump cult"—react?

The End of Jouissance as They Know It?

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Social Media and Relationships Daniel Dashnaw Social Media and Relationships Daniel Dashnaw

Why Porn Is The Mother Of All Internet Addictions

I get a lot of complaints about pornography use in my practice.

As a science-based couples therapist, understanding the neural mechanisms of associative learning related to internet-use behaviors such as porn can be invaluable in clinical practice.

This recent study, which shows that pornographic stimuli elicit stronger reward responses in the brain compared to monetary and gaming stimuli, provides important insights that can be leveraged in therapeutic settings.

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Social Media and Relationships Daniel Dashnaw Social Media and Relationships Daniel Dashnaw

The Role of Social Media in Shaping Relationship Expectations: Navigating Unrealistic Standards and the ‘Highlight Reel’ Effect

Let’s be honest—if you’ve ever scrolled through Instagram, you’ve probably seen those perfect couples.

You know the ones: always smiling, dressed in coordinated outfits, effortlessly posing in front of breathtaking sunsets.

It’s like they stepped out of a rom-com and onto your feed. But here’s the thing: what you’re seeing is only part of the story.

Welcome to the world of the “Highlight Reel,” where social media often showcases the best and brightest moments of relationships while leaving the messier, more complicated bits off-screen.

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Social Media and Relationships Daniel Dashnaw Social Media and Relationships Daniel Dashnaw

Digital Detox for Couples And Families: Reconnecting in a Screen-Saturated World

If you and your partner spend more time scrolling through your phones than gazing into each other’s eyes, it might be time to consider a digital detox.

Is this a family concern as well?

In today’s screen-saturated world, it’s easy to feel more connected to our devices than to the people we love.

While technology brings us many benefits, too much screen time can take a toll on our mental health, our stress levels, and—let’s face it—our relationships.

But don’t worry, a digital detox doesn’t mean you have to throw your phone into the nearest lake. It’s about finding balance and reconnecting with your partner in more meaningful ways.

Let’s explore how a digital detox can benefit your relationship, the signs that you might need one, and some practical tips on how to implement it.

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Social Media and Relationships Daniel Dashnaw Social Media and Relationships Daniel Dashnaw

Digital Intimacy and Relationship Maintenance in the Age of Social Media

In today’s world, social media is as much a part of our relationships as candlelit dinners and whispered sweet nothings—only now, the candles are LED, and the sweet nothings are often emojis.

Social media has become a central part of how couples connect, communicate, and navigate their shared lives.

But while it offers new opportunities for intimacy (and the occasional couple selfie), it also presents challenges that our grandparents never had to consider.

As a couples therapist, understanding these dynamics and helping couples navigate them can be crucial to keeping relationships healthy. I’ll include some tips on applying the latest research for my colleagues.

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Social Media and Relationships Daniel Dashnaw Social Media and Relationships Daniel Dashnaw

The Taylor Swift Effect: How a Pop Icon is Shaping Body Image in the Social Media Age

Taylor Swift, one of the most influential figures in contemporary music, has emerged not just as a pop sensation but also as a powerful voice in the ongoing conversation about body image and disordered eating.

Her openness about these struggles is influencing millions of fans, particularly young women, in ways that are both inspiring and complex.

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Social Media and Relationships Daniel Dashnaw Social Media and Relationships Daniel Dashnaw

Symbio-sexuality: A New Approach To Advancing Compersion?

The article “Symbiosexuality: New Study Validates Attraction to Established Couples as a Real Phenomenon” by Eric W. Dolan presents the findings of a study conducted by Sally W. Johnston, which explores a concept referred to as “symbiosexuality.”

The study proposes that some folks experience attraction not just to individuals, but to the dynamic energy between people in a relationship.

While the research claims to break new ground in understanding human desire, a closer examination reveals several weaknesses in its conceptual framework, methodology, and broader implications.

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Social Media and Relationships Daniel Dashnaw Social Media and Relationships Daniel Dashnaw

Pornography Addiction: Is There Hope? Yes, But We Start By Changing how we talk about it

In the digital age, the accessibility of pornography has skyrocketed, making it essential for mental health professionals to understand its potential impact on individuals and relationships.

While some people use pornography without adverse effects, others may develop problematic patterns that can disrupt their daily lives, relationships, and mental health.

To help identify when pornography consumption becomes problematic, researchers have developed the Problematic Pornography Consumption Scale (PPCS).

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Social Media and Relationships Daniel Dashnaw Social Media and Relationships Daniel Dashnaw

The Invisible Burden: Uncovering Family Anxiety Through a Powerful Meme

Memes are more than just amusing internet phenomena; they are cultural artifacts that capture shared human experiences in powerful, relatable ways.

One meme that is emerging but still remains largely under the radar is “the invisible burden.”

This meme poignantly encapsulates the unspoken emotional and mental load carried by many family members, particularly primary caregivers.

This burden is often a significant source of family anxiety, and understanding its roots and implications is crucial for addressing the mental health challenges it creates.

In this post, we will explore how the invisible burden has become such a pervasive issue, discuss its historical and social origins, and consider how we might begin to alleviate this silent weight.

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Social Media and Relationships Daniel Dashnaw Social Media and Relationships Daniel Dashnaw

Is Boredom Dangerous? How Our Modern Lives Fuel a Hidden Psychological Crisis

As a family therapist, I observe the impact of this boredom-driven behavior in relationships and communities.

The rise of boredom in the digital age has far-reaching consequences, from interpersonal conflicts to broader societal issues, such as the appeal of populism and radical ideologies.

Understanding the role of boredom is crucial in addressing these challenges and helping individuals find more fulfilling and meaningful ways to engage with the world around them.

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