Neurodiverse Couples Daniel Dashnaw Neurodiverse Couples Daniel Dashnaw

The Power of learning like a child…

In a groundbreaking study led by Dr. Rachel Wu, older adults discovered the fountain of cognitive youth, achieving mental prowess akin to that of teenagers.

By embracing a childlike approach to learning—immersing themselves in multiple disciplines simultaneously—individuals in their 60’s rewound the clock on their cognitive abilities.

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Neurodiverse Couples Daniel Dashnaw Neurodiverse Couples Daniel Dashnaw

Anxious Attachment and the Neurodivergent Partner…

For the Anxious Partner, whose emotional compass oscillates between clinginess and fear of abandonment, coupling with a Neurodiverse Partner can resemble a rollercoaster ride through the intricate pathways of human connection.

Let’s explore the intricacies of Anxious Attachment and Neurodiversity within the context of committed relationships, peppered with insights from esteemed thought leaders in the realm of Neurodiversity…

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Neurodiverse Couples Daniel Dashnaw Neurodiverse Couples Daniel Dashnaw

Am I Neurodivergent Quiz…

Welcome to my thought experiment on neurodivergence. This quiz is designed to help you explore aspects of neurodiversity and understand how it might manifest in your life.

It's important to note that this is not a formal diagnosis but rather a tool for curiosity, self-reflection, and understanding. Let’s jump in!

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Neurodiverse Couples Daniel Dashnaw Neurodiverse Couples Daniel Dashnaw

What is the Autism Iceberg?

The Autism Iceberg is a metaphorical concept that is frequently used to illustrate the complexity and depth of autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

This analogy suggests that what is observable about a person with autism, represented by the tip of the iceberg, is just a tiny fraction of the characteristics and challenges they experience, with the bulk of their experiences lying beneath the surface, hidden from immediate view.

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Neurodiverse Couples Daniel Dashnaw Neurodiverse Couples Daniel Dashnaw

Autism ruined my marriage

Despite the challenges we faced, there is hope for our marriage now. Through therapy with you and open communication, we slowly learned to bridge the gap between us.

I've come to realize that accepting Mark's autism doesn't mean trying to change him… but rather embracing him for who he is.

And, just as you predicted, we've also found solace in the autism community, connecting with others who share similar experiences.

It's comforting to know that we're not alone in our struggles and that others understand what we're going through.

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Neurodiverse Couples Daniel Dashnaw Neurodiverse Couples Daniel Dashnaw

What is Monotropic Autism?

Understanding the unique dynamics of monotropic autism can profoundly impact your relationship.

As a couples therapist, I've encountered many couples navigating the complexities of autism spectrum disorders (ASD).

Let's discuss the concept of monotropic autism and its implications for relationships…

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Neurodiverse Couples Daniel Dashnaw Neurodiverse Couples Daniel Dashnaw

Autism and Narcissism

Sorting out the difference between autism and narcissism can be very complicated.

However, I’ve found that good clinical skills often entail tracking the client’s use and understanding of Cognitive Empathy.

Cognitive Empathy consists of recognizing and naming emotions in oneself and others.

An autistic human genuinely struggles to detect Cognitive Empathy, while a narcissist selectively deploys Cognitive Empathy... Therein lies the distinction.

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