Is eloping making a comeback?

Eloping, the act of running away to get married, has long been cloaked in an air of romance and rebellion.

For centuries, couples have chosen this path for various reasons, ranging from escaping familial opposition to seeking a more intimate and differentiated ceremony.

As a couples therapist with a keen interest in the social sciences, exploring the history and psychological underpinnings of elopement offers valuable insights into its enduring appeal and evolving role in modern relationships.

Is eloping making a comeback?

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What does it mean to be Boysober?

"Boysober" is not just a trend; it might be a cultural shift.

Originating from the witty brain of Brooklyn-based comedian Hope Woodard, the term refers to a self-imposed hiatus from romantic and sexual relationships.

This break allows folks to detox from the emotional and psychological hangovers caused by toxic dating patterns and to re-center themselves.

Think of it as a romantic reset button, a chance to turn off the notifications from dating apps and tune into the rhythm of your own life.

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Why young men and women are drifting apart

The drift between young men and women is a multifaceted issue, influenced by various social, economic, and cultural factors.

Let’s consider some recent research and the insights of prominent thinkers like Richard Reeves to explore why young men and women are increasingly drifting apart.

By understanding these dynamics, we can better address the challenges and foster healthier relationships between the sexes.

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Narcissism and gift-giving

Gift-giving is often perceived as a selfless act, a way to show love, appreciation, or gratitude.

However, when it comes to narcissists, this seemingly altruistic behavior takes on a whole new meaning.

Let's discuss the fascinating world of narcissism and gift-giving.

We will explore how narcissists use gifts as tools for manipulation, control, and ego inflation.

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Power struggles in relationships and the importance of influence

Power struggles in relationships are typically shaped by gendered behavior.

Research tells us that over 80% of conflictual marital discussions are initiated by wives, while husbands typically dodge and deflect these overtures.

A couples therapist needs to normalize this dynamic; we’re not talking about dysfunctional marriages here. We’re talking about happy marriages as well…

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Are some breakups thwarted by altruism? The surprising truth about staying in unhappy relationships

Have you ever stayed in a relationship just because you thought your partner couldn’t handle a breakup? Turns out, you’re not alone—and there’s scientific research to back you up!

According to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, people often stay in unhappy relationships when they believe their partner might crumble without them.

Yes, it sounds like a plot twist in a romantic comedy, but it’s true!

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How do women flirt? …. the science!

When it comes to flirting, women have a secret weapon that men can instantly recognize.

This isn't just an ordinary smile or a neutral expression—it's a special look that sparks interest and sets off relationship fireworks.

According to researchers, the most effective flirting expression includes a head turned to one side, tilted down slightly, accompanied by a slight smile and eye contact.

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What is Portia Polygamy?

"Portia polygamy" is a term that's not often heard, so let's explore its meaning a bit more.

Portia polygamy describes the pattern of engaging in multiple, successive marriages.

The name evokes the idea of a series of marital relationships, much like the character Portia in Shakespeare's play, who navigates various complex relationships, albeit without multiple marriages.

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