Marriage and Mental Health Daniel Dashnaw Marriage and Mental Health Daniel Dashnaw

What is Borderline Personality Disorder with… Petulant Features?

Within the spectrum of Borderline Personality Disorder, the Petulant subtype represents a distinct manifestation with its unique set of symptoms and challenges.

I think my first ex-wife could have been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder with the Petulant subtype.

So exploring its clinical features, diagnostic criteria, potential causes, and treatment options, is a walk down memory lane for me…

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Marriage and Mental Health Daniel Dashnaw Marriage and Mental Health Daniel Dashnaw

What is the least stressful phase of life?

Research reveals that humans report feeling stress as move through time, becoming older and more chill in the process.

Aging humans have fewer stressful experiences, and they deal with whatever stress they do experience much better than when they were younger.

On the other hand, Middle age humans are way more stressed nowadays than they were 20 years ago.

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