Am I in a Situationship Quiz

Tuesday, August 6, 2024.

Welcome to the ultimate "Am I in a Situationship Quiz"! We’re here to help you decode your relationship status with a sprinkle of humor and a dose of honesty.

Grab a pen, get comfy, and let's find out where you and your "almost partner" stand!

Quiz Time!

Communication Frequency

A) We talk every day, all day.

B) We chat occasionally, like when we need something.

C) Ghost town. Who texts first? It's like a game of chicken.

Plans for the Future

A) We have matching planners and a shared Google calendar.

B) We've talked about future plans, but nothing concrete.

C) Future? We barely plan for the next weekend.

Meeting Friends and Family

A) They’re practically part of the family.

B) Met a few friends, maybe a cousin.

C) I wouldn’t know their best friend if they hit me with their car.

Defining the Relationship

A) We had the talk and have a label.

B) We avoid that topic like it’s a minefield.

C) We’re “just going with the flow.”

Emotional Support

A) They’re my rock, always there for me.

B) Sometimes supportive, sometimes MIA.

C) I rely more on my pet rock for emotional support.

Public Displays of Affection

A) We’re basically the poster couple for PDA.

B) A little hand-holding, maybe.

C) PDA? More like avoiding eye contact in public.


A) Like clockwork, they’re always there.

B) inconsistent.

C) It’s a rollercoaster – you never know what’s coming next.


A) They make me a priority, always.

B) I’m somewhere between their gym sessions and Netflix.

C) I’m about as prioritized as laundry day.

Social Media Presence

A) Our couple pics are all over social media.

B) They’ve liked a couple of my posts, maybe.

C) Do they even have social media?

Conflict Resolution

A) We talk it out and resolve issues maturely.

B) We argue, then awkwardly ignore it.

C) Disappears at the first sign of conflict.

Quality Time

A) We spend a lot of meaningful time together.

B) We hang out when it's convenient.

C) We only see each other when we need something.

Celebrating Milestones

A) Birthdays, anniversaries, all the special days are celebrated.

B) Occasionally remember important dates.

C) Milestones? What are those?


A) We’re exclusive and committed.

B) Haven’t discussed exclusivity yet.

C) They’re probably swiping right as we speak.

Plans on Weekends

A) We always plan weekends together.

B) Sometimes we do, sometimes we don’t.

C) I’m the backup plan if nothing else works out.

Gifts and Surprises

A) Regularly surprises and thoughtful gifts.

B) Once in a while, maybe a flower or a chocolate.

C) Surprise! I forgot your birthday.

Sharing Personal Details

A) We know each other’s deepest secrets.

B) Know the basics, but not too deep.

C) They’re a mystery wrapped in an enigma.

Handling Jealousy

A) We trust each other completely.

B) Some jealousy, but we manage.

C) They get jealous if I even look at someone else.

Travel Plans

A) We travel together frequently.

B) Occasionally plan trips together.

C) Travel? We can barely coordinate a movie night.

Household Chores

A) We share chores and responsibilities.

B) Sometimes help each other out.

C) Chores? I do my own, thank you.


A) We have a fulfilling and consistent intimate life.

B) Intimacy is sporadic and unpredictable.

C) What’s intimacy? We’re practically roommates.

Scoring Legend:

Mostly A’s: Solid Relationship

Congratulations! You're not in a situationship. Your relationship is defined, supportive, and prioritized. Your communication and emotional connection are strong, and you both know where you stand. Keep nurturing this beautiful bond!

Mostly B’s: Situationship Alert!

You’re in the gray area. While there are aspects of a relationship, there are too many uncertainties and inconsistencies. It might be time to have the "Define the Relationship" (DTR) talk to clarify where things are heading. Remember, clarity is key!

Mostly C’s: Situationship Central!

Welcome to Situationship Central, population: you. Your connection is casual, undefined, and lacks the stability of a committed relationship. If you’re looking for something more, it’s essential to communicate your needs and see if you're on the same page. If not, it might be time to move on.

Remember, relationships should bring joy, stability, and support. Don’t settle for ambiguity if you desire something more. Good luck!

Be Well, Stay Kind, and Godspeed.


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